House Plants

  • Ardisia Bospremium is an exclusive outsider that rightfully attracts attention. Ardisia is very suitable as a Christmas plant because of its wonderful red, white or pink berries. It's a seasonal plant only available in the last months of the year!
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    Croton Petra is a gorgeous ornamental foliage plant with stunning leaf colour and variegation. The leaves tend to be glossy and oval in shape with pointed tips. Colours range from pink, through reds, oranges, yellows, light and dark greens - so much colour on one plant! The leaf veins are a paler green and add an interesting variegated dimension. Petra is a very popular Codiaeum and at her best is guaranteed to brighten up a room and lift the spirits. ~height 35cm
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    • Position: bright but indirect light
    • Soil: these plants do not need to grow in compost, but if potting up, use a specialist orchid compost
    • Rate of growth: average
    • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
    • Current height: plant approximately 55 cm
    • Home care:Keep the compost moist during the warmer months, but in winter you should reduce the amount it gets, and only water them occasionally. Ideally when watering, you should let them stand in a tray of water (or kitchen sink) so they can soak up as much as they like for an hour or two. Afterwards, let the excess water drain away completely. It is always best to give them a a good soak when they get quite dry, rather than watering little and often. Their preference is for soft, tepid water. They love humidity, so a bright kitchen or bathroom would be ideal, and mist the leaves with water occasionally, especially if they are in a heated room. Don't worry if the roots grow outside the pot, in their native environment, they grow in the crooks of branches, and use these aerial roots to absorb water from the air. They do not mind being overcrowded in their pots, so you only need to repot them when the growth starts to suffer. They usually only send up flower spikes once a year, however you may encourage a second flush of flowers to form more quickly if you trim back the stem to just above the first node immediately after they have finished flowering.
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    • Position: bright but indirect light
    • Soil: these plants do not need to grow in compost, but if potting up, use a specialist orchid compost
    • Rate of growth: average
    • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
    • Current height: plant approximately 55 cm
    • Home care:Keep the compost moist during the warmer months, but in winter you should reduce the amount it gets, and only water them occasionally. Ideally when watering, you should let them stand in a tray of water (or kitchen sink) so they can soak up as much as they like for an hour or two. Afterwards, let the excess water drain away completely. It is always best to give them a a good soak when they get quite dry, rather than watering little and often. Their preference is for soft, tepid water. They love humidity, so a bright kitchen or bathroom would be ideal, and mist the leaves with water occasionally, especially if they are in a heated room. Don't worry if the roots grow outside the pot, in their native environment, they grow in the crooks of branches, and use these aerial roots to absorb water from the air. They do not mind being overcrowded in their pots, so you only need to repot them when the growth starts to suffer. They usually only send up flower spikes once a year, however you may encourage a second flush of flowers to form more quickly if you trim back the stem to just above the first node immediately after they have finished flowering.
  • Out of stock
    • Position: bright but indirect light
    • Soil: these plants do not need to grow in compost, but if potting up, use a specialist orchid compost
    • Rate of growth: average
    • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
    • Current height: plant approximately 55 cm
    • Home care:Keep the compost moist during the warmer months, but in winter you should reduce the amount it gets, and only water them occasionally. Ideally when watering, you should let them stand in a tray of water (or kitchen sink) so they can soak up as much as they like for an hour or two. Afterwards, let the excess water drain away completely. It is always best to give them a a good soak when they get quite dry, rather than watering little and often. Their preference is for soft, tepid water. They love humidity, so a bright kitchen or bathroom would be ideal, and mist the leaves with water occasionally, especially if they are in a heated room. Don't worry if the roots grow outside the pot, in their native environment, they grow in the crooks of branches, and use these aerial roots to absorb water from the air. They do not mind being overcrowded in their pots, so you only need to repot them when the growth starts to suffer. They usually only send up flower spikes once a year, however you may encourage a second flush of flowers to form more quickly if you trim back the stem to just above the first node immediately after they have finished flowering.
  • Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is widely known to have skincare benefits.  It can be used to ease sunburn, bites, stings etc. It can also be used to hydrate skin and has astringent properties, i.e. reduces the size of pores and excess sebum and dirt.
  • This Citrus Calamondin loves plenty of light. You can place it inside or outside, but not in a windy place. Water it regularly and don't let the soil dry out. Fertilise it occasionally. In winter, keep in a dry and cool place, preferably indoors, as it is not winter hardy. For decoration purposes only.
  • Cacti & Succulent varieties in a display giftbox ready to give. Easy to care for as they don't need to be repotted often and like very little water. Perfect for someone starting out with houseplants.
  • Cacti & Succulent varieties in a display giftbox ready to give. Easy to care for as they don't need to be repotted often and like very little water. Perfect for someone starting out with houseplants.
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    Hyanthus Blue Pearl will produce a beautiful flower which will release a lovely scent. It comes in a silver glass pot and is topped with festive décor which makes it the perfect gift. It prefers a bright spot, but not direct sunlight. The flower is at its best when the soil is kept moist.
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    Hyanthus White Pearl will produce a beautiful flower which will release a lovely scent. It comes in a silver glass pot and is topped with festive décor which makes it the perfect gift. It prefers a bright spot, but not direct sunlight. The flower is at its best when the soil is kept moist.
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    Hyanthus Pink Pearl will produce a beautiful flower which will release a lovely scent. It comes in a silver glass pot and is topped with festive décor which makes it the perfect gift. It prefers a bright spot, but not direct sunlight. The flower is at its best when the soil is kept moist.